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Design and Inspiration

What inspired pcmd? What is its backbone? And how they helped to make the package better?



Typer is a library for building CLI applications. It is based on Python 3.6+ type hints.
Building CLIs has become 'Type few lines of code and run' using this library, and it has never been easier. CLI built using Typer can also be easily scaled up in complexity.

pcmd uses it for

For everything!
pcmd is completely developed using Typer.

It has also inspired in bringing more focus on type hinting. It is the perfect tool to build small and effective CLIs
(like pcmd ) and it provides a comfortable pathway to scale it up into big CLIs without much headache.

Typer also provides built-in command autocompletion to pcmd.

Fun Fact!

The complete documentation and the gitmoji commits of pcmd was also inspired by the author's great works in FastApi and Typer


PyYAML is a YAML parser and emitter for Python.
It is the most commonly used yaml parser in the language.

pcmd uses it for

All the works related to cmd.yaml. The inspect command uses pyaml exceptions to handle syntax errors in cmd.yaml.


Distance is a Utilities library for comparing sequences.

pcmd uses it for

Finding the levenshtein distance to suggest custom commands when user inputs the wrong name (name that does not exist in cmd.yaml).

Inspiration and Idea - From the author of pcmd.

"I needed a tool that could take away all my hassles in typing atrocious terminal commands to a 'write-once-run-anytime-with-just-a-few-words' system. I thought that this issue might not be only for me but for other developers too. I realized that if a tool could do that, it would increase our workflow to another extent."

~ Jofin F Archbald